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Origami USA

OUSA convention - Darren Scott

I attended Origami USA 2001 convention and was amazed at the quality of the exhibition and skill level of the folders.
It was fantastic to see how good the O-List was at keeping people around the world up to date with the latest creations around the world. I distributed a batch of T-shirts to Jean Baden-Gillette, Jeannine Mosely and about 15 others.
Keep a lookout for the T-shirts at the next big convention.
Here are a few of the photos i took at the convention.

Creator / Folder: Satoshi Kamiya.
This was incredible. His Unicorn was included in the convention annual and is well worth the fold.

Orb / Pulsar
Creator / Folder: Jeannine Mosely
Two great models i'd never seen before. I was lucky enough to be given one of Jeannine's Pulsar sample models which enabled me to fold one of my own. 72 modules and a lot of work to assemble but worth every second.rfly's
Creator / Folder: David Derudas

Creator / Folder: David Derudas
Taking David's class at the convention was loads of fun and folding a tiny cobra head from the foil supplied in the convention pack was a real challenge. David said he first designed it using a 2.5 x 10 inch rectangle which was what we used in the class.

Creator / Folder: Vincent Floderer

Creator / Folder: Vincent Floderer

Vincent's advanced class at the convention was a true highlight. Not just learning his mushroom technique but his methods for creating sea sponges and all sorts of variations. Abstract