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Professional Origami

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Origami art exhibitions

Origami Teachers

Origami for cultural events

Melbourne, and Australia wide contacts with professional Origami.

See some of our projects.

Contact info[at]



Just because we havent been posting to this site, doesnt mean we havent been busy. In fact we've been so busy that we had time for posting ;-)

Folding Australia CDROM
We are very please to announce the launch of our Folding Australia CDROM. This carefully designed CD is packed with great photographs, diagrams, information about the folders, and information about the first Australia wide Origami event Folding Australia.

Order now using Paypal

Shipping to Australian Address:
AUD$ 17.50 including postage

Shipping outside Australia:
AUD$ 22.50 including postage

Prices in Australian Dollars

Recent and unreleased Diagrams
This CD contains 16 diagrams from Australian folders in PDF format. Including Steven Casey's Koala on a Branch, Darren Scott's Bushmans hats, and John Morgan's silver rectangle folds. All are uniquely Australian and well worth folding.

Exhibition Photographs
We include full coverage of the exhibition on this cd, with photographs of models sorted by artist and also by Australian State.

Folders Information
We asked each folder how they started origami. Read and learn about each participating folder's interests and reasons for folding.

Quality Design
This CDROM was designed by My Trinh Gardiner, and programmed by Matt Gardiner. Who both have many years experience in creating interactive Multimedia. This is a work of love, crafted and made to be easy to use, and beautiful to look at.

Recommended System Requirements
Compatible with both MAC and PC.
MAC OS X.2 (however OS 9.2 will work) 128MB RAM, 300Mhz G3, 800x600 monitor.
PC Windows 2000 or later, 128MB RAM, Pentium 300Mhz, 800x600 monitor.

Order now using Paypal

Shipping to Australian Address:
AUD$ 17.50 including postage

Shipping outside Australia:
AUD$ 22.50 including postage

Prices in Australian Dollars

Matt Gardiner

Papercrane Shop


Everything Origami
AUD$35 Post to Australia

Folding Australia 2007 Convention book
AUD$33 Post to Australia
AUD$42 Post to World

Folding Australia 2005 Convention book
AUD$33 Post to Australia
AUD$42 Post to World

Folding Australia 2003 Convention CDROM
AUD$17.50 Post to Australia
AUD$22.50 Post to World

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Site design by mY @ electroblossom, code by matt @ Airstrip