Dino Project Studio March 16th
Saturday 16th MarchThis week we have completed our first medium scale dino, assembled and mounted. We have discovered some interesting facts and useful techniques for the mounting. We had a good days folding, Matthew was apologetically late, after a hard days night, he managed to take on the role as official dino mounter, no wry puns please.
Gary arrived for the first time and was duly allocated complex folds to complete with great skill. Steven brought in his latest hippo model, very impressive. Tommy also showed some car cutout models he had been experimenting with.

The folding team:
From left: Gary, Martin, Darren, Steven, Matthew and Tommy.
We have also completed over a third of the large scale folding and expect to have folding completed after the next meeting on April 6th.

Pieces of cake really! Actually pieces of Dino, would anyone like a slice?