M.O.G. Meeting
Melbourne Origami January 17thAnother busy and productive meeting for Melbourne Origami. I arrived just shortly before the 8pm starting time to see Martin already folding Pat Crawfords three masted ship with some beautiful double sided paper that he picked up in Japan.

I showed Martin a selection of box lids and a caterpillar that I had been working on. This was a combination of actual models and digital photos as many of the boxes had already been sent off to the photographer for an article that hits news stands here in April. Some of these photographs are below and diagrams will be posted after the article is released.
Some of these photos will be moved once the gallery section is up and running.

Gary,Steven, Alan and Brenda arrived and Gary had some amazing new models to show. A man in a suit

And a fantastic drummer.

And a tri-plane (sorry photo didn't do it justice)
This was the first time we had seen these pieces but Gary said he created them quite awhile ago.
Steve bought along a large sheep created by Max Hume. Steve is planing to fold some life size sheep for a Tet Festival.

We passed the models and the digital camera around awhile and decide it was time to fold something. We started on a variation of the base for a traditional masu box.
Then we folded the lids. Each person created a different pattern from variations of the boxes above. Some people tried more than one, finding hard to decide which they liked best.
While many of us were keen to fold Gary's drummer we needed a little more finger exercise first. I taught my Caterpillar module. While everybody folded their second unit I folded the head and joined the units together.

Matt finally arrived and we talked about our next folding event, Australia Day and the possibility of getting a sponsor to fold a large scale version. It seems that time was a little short but Matt was willing to look into the possibility.
It was now time for a real challenge but time was running short so we decided to settle for just learning the base for Gary's drummer. While some of us started folding others spoke about more important things such as the planing of the up coming convention. Brenda and Martin talked about simple methods of teaching fractions to lower level classes. We tried talking and folding at the same time but there were too many distractions for us to complete the drummer base. I think this one will have to wait until the convention.
Brenda then handed out bottles of wine that were given to her as a thank-you for tendering for a recent commission, and that was the meeting for another week.
Our next meeting is Friday the 7th of Febuary. All are welcome.
Darren Scott darren@floppyfish.net