Origami Colombia
The simplified poster. It was used as cover of the convention booklet.
Cali, November 8-10, 2002
Only for the real origami people
The sixth edition of the Colombian Origami Meeting was a very richful experience, where we demostrated that, with only Colombian paperfolders we can organise a very succesful event. This origami convention still being the only one in Latinamerica.
In this opportunity, the attendees were people that feel origami in their blood and believe that the convention is part of their lifestyle. Fromhere, congratulations to that select group of people.
There were 88 persons from several Colombian regions. 34 of them were women and 54 men. Only 21 of them were new attendees. During the two days and a half there were 72 formal workshops and many casual ones. 36 instructors gave their classes, distributed seven at the same time, and during eleven hours, taught many models and techniques.
The big exhibition was admirable and we could figured out about the quality of folding and the creativity of the Colombian folders, that compared with other countries, the result was the same. Nothing to envy.
There were many vendors of origami stuff, like books, paper and t-shirts.
As usual, the attendees received a package with paper of many qualities, a souvenir button and a 152 pages booklet with models, most of them from Colombian folders and some from overseas creators.
The moments with more enthusiasm in the convention were the out of classes activities. They are part of out origami identity. First the spontaneous participations of some attendees, like Roger Martinez from Popayan, with his poems and Antonio Jose Vargas from Pereira with his simple models. Then, the prize to the first register at the convention. This year was Jonathan Rodriguez from Cali. We gave a mention to the people who participated during five conventions, they were Daniel Duarte, Liliana Fernregistrations for next year convention. At the closing ceremony, a fashion contest took place. All the disguises were made of tissue paper. The big prize (a flight ticket) went to Ana MAria Pachon with her old fashioned lady dress. The contest was so funny and the creativity was its main component.
And now, to conclude, some opinions of convention participants:
"Althought it was my first time in the convention, you make me feel so good like if we were friends since long time ago. Really, thank you a lot." Diego Becerra, Piedecuesta, Santander.
"This year the techniques taught were more interesting and beautiful."
Luis Alexander Rubio, Bogot the instructors and origami mates, that, in spite of my insistence, they were so patience to teach me those new models." Gabriel Castro, Medellike Juan Camilo Sanclemente and Hozman Reina. And we cannot forget the innumerable advises and to admire the enviable pasion of Mrs. Misae Ono has for this art." Juan Fernando Aguilera, Cali
"In our hearts stay the big moments shared with others, when we learned big values: tolerance, patience, the simple things, values that we will use in all the activities of our life." Elizabeth Montoya, Medell

From left to right, our president José Arley Moreno and Jonathan Rodriguez (one of the most prolific creator of complex models in Colombia - no diagrams yet)

A project made by Mauricio Alonso, a first timer in the convention.

One of the outclass activities, the piñatas, they were ten 30-sonobe modular, inside there were ping-pong balls with several features (color, holes, painted) to give prizes to the people who take some of them.

Roger Martinez saying a poem to the attendees. You can see part of the model menu.

A picture frame made by Luis Alexander Rubio.
Papercrane Shop
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