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ODS Review

Origami Design Secrets Review

There's an old saying that goes something like "Genius is simply standing on the shoulders of giants".

I perceive genius is more than that, for one, standing on a persons shoulders, let alone a giant, requires balance. It requires clarity to see and make sense from those lofty heights, and it requires passion, skill and importantly time, to carefully bring down the lofty ideas for others to easily understand, to literally make it easy to "stand under" the giant.

Origami Design Secrets is a wonderful work of genius. From the first time I opened the book I could sense the balance of thought, and the careful weighting and delivery of Origami Design Secrets. The book is evenly spaced with some wonderful models, suggestive exercises, clear diagrams, and engaging concepts. It is elegantly paced; Lang doesnt hit us with concept after concept without detailed illustration, and suggested pausing for folding. The 22 diagrammed models, including the famed Black Forest Cuckoo Clock, illustrate concepts discussed in each section and add a satisfying conclusion to reading material.

Lang carefully breaks down key aspects in origami design, from Traditional bases, Splitting points, Grafting, Pattern Grafting, Tiling, Circle Packing, Molecules, Tree Theory, Box Pleating, Hybrid Bases and finally to Algorithms.

What I found most unique in the reading experience is that I started to make small exercises from my paper rather than complete models. Like making detailed studies of one section of a painting or sketch, or like training and developing a particular technique. Lang encourages you to experiment, play and understand each step of the way. I began to study and learn the mechanics and mathematics of origami. A mind expanding experience to say the least. I am still relishing the idea of an infinite fold in a zero thin sheet of paper.

Robert J Lang's Origami Design Secrets (ODS) is without a doubt THE most comprehensive books written on the subject of origami design in print. Lang's book takes leaves from origami giants from around the world, especially Japan, U.K and the U.S.A. Presenting a range of ideas suitable for both beginners and advanced folders. Robert's ideas are presented clearly, in logical sequence, guiding the reader through an increasingly complex train of thought on the subject of Origami Design.

ODS opens doors for folders who have been timidly following their favorite folders for years, forever folding in another's steps, to take the leap onto their own path of design, and gives them the tools to make their path.

I highly recommend ODS to all the folders in the world who have the desire to understand the complex nature of what they love to do. ODS is a book to keep coming back to. I cherish the time I spend with the book, and Though I still have more to work through, I'm in no rush, I've got a lifetime to fold.

Thanks for such a great contribution to the origami world Robert. Thanks for letting us stand on your shoulders.

You can buy the book from Amazon or from the publisher A.K. Peters, and their Australia - New Zealand Distributor Woodslane.

You can find other books by Robert Lang at

Matt Gardiner

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