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About time!

Who ever heard of an origami website without diagrams! Well I never... :-)

Here are some diagrams that I made recently for a project the Melbourne origami group were working on. Hopefully this is the start of a blissful innundation of new diagrams for the site. Anybody who wants to publish diagrams here, please feel free. The email is always open.

The diagrams are in Acrobat PDF format. They are both simple works, that use the concept of tesselation, and repetitious folding to create a textural plane. Very good for walls and large areas, if you have that much time ;-)

Cube Tesselation cube.pdf 104K

Ripple Tesselation ripple.pdf 104K

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Everything Origami
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Folding Australia 2007 Convention book
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Folding Australia 2005 Convention book
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Folding Australia 2003 Convention CDROM
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