2005 Convention

This page has all information about the 2005 Folding Australia Origami Convention. See the following links for information, please read it, and if you have any further questions please contact Matt Gardiner matt@airstrip.com.au
Contact us
How to get there
About Latrobe Regional Gallery
Origami House Exhibition (2005/3/5 - 2005/4/10):
A large scale (3m x 3m) origami house will be made from modular bricks and will feature a wide array of domestic origami models.
Opening night: (8/4/2005)
Join us for some light drinks and nibbles to celebrate the opening of the convention.
Convention: (2005/4/9 - 2005/4/10)
2 full days of origami, with classes, lectures and international guest speakers, and exhibitions of contemporary origami work.
Contact Us
Latrobe Regional Gallery
p: (03) 5128 5700
f: (03) 5128 5706
e: lrg@latrobe.vic.gov.au
Matt Gardiner, Director
p: 0407 099 749
e: matt@airstrip.com.au
Darren Scott, Co-Director, Accomodation liaison
p: 0415 524 421
e: darren@floppyfish.net
Martin Liu, Post Convention Tour Co-ordinator
p: 0418 397 040
e: liumcn@bigpond.net.au
Origami House Exhibition:
5th March 2005 - 10th April 2005 (2005/3/5 - 2005/4/10)
Opening night:
Friday 8th April 2005 (2005/4/8)
Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th April 2005 (2005/4/9 - 2005/4/10)
Saturday night dinner:
Saturday 9th 7pm (2005/4/9)
Origami House Exibition: Free
Opening night: Free
Convention: Adults $55, Children $33
Saturday night dinner: $25-$30
Payments must be made by Friday 1st April 2005
The following forms of payment are accepted.
- Cash - in person at Latrobe Regional Gallery
- Cheque - Payable to Latrobe Regional Gallery
- Money Order - Payable to Latrobe Regional Gallery
- Credit Card (visa, mastercard) - contact Latrobe Regional Gallery for more info (03) 5128 5700
Post Cheques & Money orders to:
Folding Australia 2005
c/- Latrobe Regional Gallery
138 Commercial Road
Morwell 3840 VICTORIA, Australia
Latrobe Regional Gallery (LRG)
138 Commercial Road
Morwell 3840 VICTORIA, Australia
- Train From Spencer Street Station, Melbourne
- Car
From Melbourne approx 150km, take the Monash Freeway M1 (South Eastern Arterial), continue onto the Princess Freeway at Narre Warren, and follow the Princess Freeway through to the Morwell Exit B460.
Try this site out for map and route finding information http://www.nowwhereroute.com/tourismvic/RoutePlanner/
- From Melbourne Airport
The cheapest way is via the shuttle bus, $13 which runs every 15 minutes from Tullarmarine to Spencer Street Station. From Spencer Street follow the train instructions.
See the skybus website: http://www.skybus.com.au/
Take the train bound for Traralgon/Sale/Bairnsdale
See the Vline timetable
Accommodation information coming soon...
Contact: Darren Scott darren@floppyfish.net
About Latrobe Regional Gallery
From: http://www.latrobe.vic.gov.au/content.cfm?topicid=233
Following an extensive $5 million refurbishment Latrobe Regional Gallery has reopened to the public. Seven gallery spaces and a sculpture courtyard showcase travelling exhibitions, exclusive curated exhibitions, local artists and the permanent collection. The exhibitions program offer something for everyone, from traditional to contemporary art, which together with art workshops and talks ensure that the Gallery is the cultural centre for the region.
The impressive collection comprises of contemporary Australian art in all mediums and a diverse range of historical and contemporary images of the Gippsland region.
The Gallery shop stocking quality arts and craft and the cafe, Tania's at the Gallery, provide an enhanced experience for visitors. Facilities include a meeting room, workshop and library.
One and a half hours drive from Melbourne along the Princes Freeway (Exit B460) and a two minute walk from the Morwell Railway Station.
For up to date details of the gallery program contact:
Latrobe Regional Gallery
Telephone (03) 5128 5700
Email: lrg@latrobe.vic.gov.au
Gallery hours:
10am - 5pm Monday to Friday
11am - 4pm Saturday and Sunday
Closed Mondays and Public Holidays